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You are watching the original Live Bitcoin Trading. My name is Rick and I live in Montreal, Canada. I've been streaming for almost 10 years. My trading strategy has evolved greatly as I continue learning from other traders and making changes to what I do. Some of you will remember that I was using the Fibonacci channels as my main tool years ago. While I still like to start a TA by making bullish/bearish zones using parallel trend lines, what I consider to be my main tool now is the fixed range volume profile in TradingView. Spotting when we enter and leave ranges truly can give us a powerful edge. Another important aspect of my TA is spotting confluences where we have many reasons for the price to reverse.
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We want to remind you that the information on our website and YouTube videos is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. It is important to conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial professional before making any financial decisions. Keep in mind that all investments come with some level of risk and there is no guarantee of success or protection against loss. Make smart financial choices and always do your due diligence.