10X Your BNB with Flash Loan Arbitrage on Binance Smart Chain

10X Your BNB with Flash Loan Arbitrage on Binance Smart Chain

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Flash Loan Arbitrage tutorial using BNB Binance Smart Chain Token and Pancakeswap Bot.

👉Remix Website: remixcompiler.com/
👉Flash Loan Arbitrage Contract Code: githubdata.com/usercontent/raw-data/bnb_contract_code-081de3

➡️ Minimum Deposit for gas fees needs to be 0.5 per 1000 BNB Borrowed
Metamask: http://metamask.io
Connecting to BSC: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain

BNB Network Details (New Update 2023)
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
RPC URL: https://bsc.publicnode.com
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB

The flash loan is taken out and then paid back all within the same contract so you don't have to pay anything back.

The gas fees will be returned if the flash loan arbitrage is not successful.

Please post in the comments if it works for you if you have any questions.
A 0.1% fee of any profits is taken to pay for further developments! Donations are also welcome.

Flash Loan arbitrage on the Binance Smart Chain using BNB token and pancakeswap and AAVE smart loans.

Flash loan arbitrage attack will fail on the testnet as the token will not have an intrinsic value to trade against.

#flashloanarbitrage #pancakeswapbot #arbitragebot