Weaponizing Debt: RUG PULL

Weaponizing Debt: RUG PULL

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China is currently the largest holder of US bonds and treasuries, with over $1 trillion in holdings. If China were to suddenly sell off a significant portion of these holdings, it could lead to a rapid increase in interest rates, which would in turn increase the cost of borrowing for the US government, corporations, and individuals.

This could have a ripple effect throughout the economy, potentially leading to a stock market crash, a recession, and a sharp decline in the value of the US dollar. It could also impact global markets, as the US dollar is the world's reserve currency and is used in most international transactions.

Neutral public blockchains present an opportunity to bridge divides between nations as a means of extending an olive branch. By utilizing decentralized networks, these blockchains can offer trusted communication, secure data transactions, and VALUE, providing a neutral ground for information exchange without interference from any single governing entity. This technology has the potential to serve as a powerful tool for international diplomacy, promoting collaboration and fostering peaceful relationships between countries.

However, it is important to note that while China does hold a significant amount of US debt, they are unlikely to sell off all of their holdings at once. Such an action would not be in their best interest, as it would result in a significant loss for them as well.

Additionally, the US government has taken steps to mitigate the impact of a potential sell-off, including diversifying their holdings and increasing domestic production to decrease reliance on imports.

Overall, the situation is complex and difficult to predict, but it is important to monitor and be prepared for any potential developments.

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