Yield farming rewards guide

Yield farming rewards guide

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Publish Date:
4 June, 2024
Yield Farming
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🪙 On WingRiders, for providing liquidity into liquidity pools, you receive a percentage of the transactions fees and ADA #staking rewards (in pools with #ADA, which is automatically staked).

🚜 On top of it, if you deposit your Liquidity Provider Tokens into a farm, you are eligible for #yield farming rewards too.

This #guide walks you through these indicators:
👉 Farms tab
👉 Total #rewards collected in previous epochs
👉 Portfolio tab
👉 Percentage of the pool you own, its value in ADA, tokens value
👉 All farms & My farms
👉 Overall value of liquidity, Effective liquidity & Farm effective liquidity
👉 Rewards you have gained & estimated to get in the current epoch
👉 The time until the end of the current epoch
👉 Estimated rewards earned
👉 The total of all your gains

Try it out at https://wingriders.com.

#crypto #cardano #tutorial #walkthrough

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